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The home page features a news feed with all the latest IR news and site announcements, including when new resources are added to the knowledge base. Some news items may link to articles in external sites, such as IR magazine. Others will be taken from posts within the Community section. If you click on any news item you will be able to read further and participate in discussions on this topic.
To add your work and education history to your profile, first go to your profile page by clicking the image next to your name, in the top right of the screen, then click on the My CV tab which appears just below your photo in your profile.
Work history
Click where it says enter your work history, enter your details and save. If you are entering a previous job then uncheck the box marked Currently work here. When you have created one job and wish to enter additional work history, click on Add experience, enter your details and save. Then repeat as necessary.
Education history
Click where it says enter your education history, enter your details and save. If you have more than one degree or other qualifications you would like to add, please enter them in the Courses and Accreditation section.
Courses and Accreditation
Click where it says Please add your courses and accreditation, enter your details and save.
There are numerous ways to filter and search for the posts that most interest you.
When you first enter the IR Community section you will see a feed of all the latest posts.
Clicking on one or more of the Topic tags will show you a feed of the latest posts in those topics. You can also filter by the type of post (query, discussion, news, etc.) by selecting the plus symbol next to Choose filters in the left sidebar.
Only the first 500 characters of the post will be visible in the feed. To view the rest of the post, or type your own responses to it, you will need to click on the post.
To comment on a post simply enter the text in the Comment box below the opening post and click the ADD COMMENT button. You may choose to make an anonymous comment by clicking the arrow next to the profile picture on the left of the comment box and selecting "As anonymous".
You can follow a post by clicking on the FOLLOW button. You can view all your followed posts by clicking on Followed posts in the left sidebar. You can unfollow a post by clicking on the post and then the UNFOLLOW button.
In the IR Community section you can create posts which will be visible to the whole IRspace community. You can make queries, start discussions or post your own blog or articles.
Creating new posts
Click on Create new post
You can choose to make your post anonymous by clicking the arrow next to the profile image.
Enter the title of your post.
Enter the text of your post. If your post is longer than 500 characters you will need to post the remainder in the second posting box below.
Select the post category (query, discussion, article, etc.)
If you wish to have a private discussion which will only be seen by users that you invite then you need to click on the "Mark as private discussion" checkbox.
Select the topic(s) that your post is about. Please try to be as accurate as possible to make it easier for other users to filter posts that they are interested in.
Invite other users - even if your post is not a private discussion you may invite specific users to view it.
Once you have finished click Create post.
You may invite other users after you have created the post. Simply click on the post that you have created and then click the menu button in the top right (the three dots).
To view all of the posts that you have created click My posts in the left sidebar.
If you wish to create a new post or reply to an existing one without revealing your identity then simply click on the drop down menu next to your profile image, where you can choose to post as yourself or as anonymous.
This option has been created to allow members to post queries and make comments without revealing their name or company. All anonymous posts are subject to the same terms and conditions and code of conduct as any other post.
If an IRspace member creates a post or reply that you like, you can show your appreciation by clicking the Thumbs up button in the top right of their post.
The number of Likes a user has received can be seen in their profile page by clicking on their name.
To follow a specific post, simply click on the FOLLOW button for that post.
Once you have followed a post you will receive notifications whenever a reply is made to the post.
You can also view all of your followed posts at any time by clicking the Followed posts tab in the left sidebar of the Community section.
If you wish to unfollow a specific post, simply click the UNFOLLOW button for that post.
Click on the arrow next to your name and choose Settings.
In Profile settings you can change your basic info (job title, market cap, social media links, etc.). Click SAVE to save these settings.
In Account settings you can change or add a secondary email address and change your password if required.
In privacy settings you can decide what information is visible to other users and whether users outside of your network can message you.
In notification settings you can choose which email notifications you receive.
IR associations are private groups which are administrated by staff from each specific IR association, society or club. To apply simply click the Apply for membership button of your chosen association. All users may apply to join but access to these groups is at the discretion of association staff, who may have their own policies regarding membership, discussions that take place within the group and resources that they offer to members.
In the GROUPS tab you will see all the groups that are available for anyone to join and any private groups that you have been invited to. You can see all the groups that you are a member of by clicking the link in My Groups in the right sidebar.
You can create a new group yourself by clicking the Create new group button. From here you can choose whether it is an open group (anyone can join) or a private group. If you have created a private group you can invite users by clicking on the group in question and then choosing Invite users from the menu icon.
Click on the Messages icon in the top right of the screen, above GROW YOUR NETWORK. Here you can view your inbox and sent messages. To create a new message click on the New message button and enter your chosen recipient(s) by name.
You can also send messages to individual members by going to their profile and clicking the SEND MESSAGE button.
By clicking the GROW YOUR NETWORK button you can search the database of IRspace members. You may filter members by sector, market cap, position, primary roles and location. You can also search for members by name and by company by using the search bar at the top of the screen.
When you click on another member’s profile you will see information they have provided about themselves and be able to send them a connection request by hitting the CONNECT button. You may cancel this request at any time before they accept by clicking on the CANCEL REQUEST button in their profile or in the Sent requests section of MY NETWORK.
In the MY NETWORK tab you can see all members of your network, and all of your sent and received connection requests.
When you receive a new connection request or someone accepts your connection request, you will receive a notification in the Connection requests icon in the top right of the screen, above GROW YOUR NETWORK.